masticando plasticos
ok well .. it results.. that today since we all got paid.. and I had no work in the afternoon at playful learning.. I had a wonderful day of pampering and some serious high quality shopping..
I got blisters on ma toes.. My booty hurts.. n I didnt have any lunch! hmmf!
Apart from my hidious grounchy mood all day.. ame's "oh let me get this" at the store while we were shopping.. n my "uju.. i like it".. n her repeating "it looks hot" (with the happiest face there is.. lol) n my "ai what do u think of this?" .. neto's hot hot pants.. vic's no no's n nods.. n then su gran hartura en burger king.. neto's negation to smoking.. my mood getting better since I got new clothes.. almost dying from a set of keys... since neto TRIED to kill me.. the mysterious lost of neto's phone.. my "better biscuit incident" at the supermarket yesterday n going to la pucmm like 5 times in a day, after some damn papers.. n then not only do I have a tiring day, I also had to see my dad's face, which I dont find rather amusing or am very fond of.. Me gaining a pound n having a fit this morning.. My mother's yells of horror for no reason (I mean I was getting dressed soorrrrrrrrrrrry if I forgot about the toaster).. Ame's n mine 'solo' jackpot (we got everything in the damn store).. My filosofy teacher rubbing his nipples in class today for an hour n a half.. Me getting a haircut n then rain fallin on it (K MALDITO PIQUE.. tan linda k yo taba.. con layers.. n pollinas de lao n shit.. man I was a movie star.. freakin rain).. me almost dying a couple times more.. n darme una buena hartura de jamon de pavo y lechuga.. lo cual me llene de una ve.. n drinkin some cold diet lemonade.. n having a little person (no pame not a little poison lol) in my conscience.. saying "TE VA DA UNA SIRIMBA".. while I was at it.. n getting a cramp while I was doing my crouches (which I do while watching sony entertainment thank u very much)..
It has been a pretty decent week.. or day n half.. or two...
Mi unica consolacion durante la semana.. era.. k este sabado iba ver nuevamente mr. plastikman.. accompañado by the one and only doblanton aka krtn at the CAVE.. so.. when I was looking through my files of horror.. n I encountered my self with this illustration made by netobums aka "ese niño bello" (si ame killate).. Tenia que demostralo..
Exibit A
Aki tenemos lo que segun neto ese es el bonche.. como veran tenemos una ilustracion de lo que es un bonche.. mucha gente.. lazers (i think).. bocinas.. etc..see the resemblence..
Aki segun neto.. estamos el y yo encima de una bocina..
getting our groove on "if u know what I mean ahm ahm";)
getting our groove on "if u know what I mean ahm ahm";)
Bueno.. aki tenemos los famosos talented djs..
Aki neto señala lo k es plastikman y su exquisito sexy peinado.. y al lado.. a krtn.. kien esta all gloomy segun neto pork le hace falta su querida krtna.. lol.. (I wub neto)
Aki neto señala lo k es plastikman y su exquisito sexy peinado.. y al lado.. a krtn.. kien esta all gloomy segun neto pork le hace falta su querida krtna.. lol.. (I wub neto)
Bueno.. y asi señores es como va terminar mi semana si dios quiere.. Con PLASTIKON @ DA CAVE..
*ahora miss over-whelmed aka natz.. aka la nata.. the brunette of highlights.. se va pa su camita a recostarse.. y mimirse mentalmente hasta la esperada fecha del sabado 1.. donde nuevamente revivira.. y volvera mejor y mas activada que nunca.. y tambien a la vez reposa su lechuga con jamon.. =)
besos a todos..
cambio y fuera..
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